Lansing High School Yearbook

A - List

Some of the names are not in perfect alphabetical order,
I have left them as they appear in the book.

Sophomore A Class Officers
Benjamin Boyce, President
Georgia Watson, Vice President
Gwendolyn Kelley, Secretary
Gene Burhans, Treasurer

Alderman, Frederick Heil, Oscar Pace, Mildred
Alber, Ben Hicks, Kenneth Parshall, May
Adams, Olga Hildreth, Paul Penfil, Louis
Andrews, Leonard O. Hicks, Keith Perry, Gladys
Bailey, Eva Holden, Lucile Porter, Helen
Bailey, Ruby Hull, John Price, Ernestine
Barker, Celeste Hall, Dorothy Powell, Florence
Bauch, Christine Hands, Donald Parmater, Leeson
Bassick, Edith Harris, Lornah Perry, Avanelle
Beardsley, Florence Hassler, Julius Parker, Warren J.
Beaumont, Thelma V. Hawks, Geraldine Platt, Elsie
Belson, Ellen Hayes, Susie V Parker, Ruth
Bell, Lois Hebauf, Helen Purchis, Leona
Brokaw, Madge Heil, Esther Peck, David
Brooks, Frederick Henderson, Grayce Perry, Florence
Brokaw, Pauline Hirshman, Willet Quick, William
Bresiew, Grace Hoover, Harvey Roh, Edward
Bishop, David R. Huber, Isabelle Ross, Robena
Bentley, Versile Hulliberger, La Ferne Reniger, Marjorie
Blanchard, Cedric Hull, Ruth Rosenbush, Florence
Bohnet, Howard Holley, Loris Reason, Floyd C.
Blood, Carl Hornbeck, Virginia Reitz, Merle
Bolter, Ernestine House, Harriet Richmond, Milton
Boughton, Claire Hurlbutt, Garthe Rider, Helen I.
Boyce, Benjamin Johnson, Fred Richard, Ruth
Boyer, George M. Jackson, Rex Rumsey, Kenneth
Boyer, Joseph T. Koessel, Ruth Richardson, Martha
Benson, Mignonette Kinney, Erma Reynolds, Grace
Bryan, Pearl King, Marvin Roberts, Helen
Bennett, Maud Kasner, Benjamin Steele, Louis
Buckborough, Morris W. Keck, Alice Stickler, Alice
Black, Graeme Kelly, Gwendolyn Saxton, Franc
Birchfield, Winnifred Kemper, Robert Stearns, Llewella
Boylan, Miriam Krumm, Jesse Stradtman, Evelyn
Bishop, Marian T. Krause, Alma Sawyer, Ruth
Burhans, Gene King, Juanita Stolz, Armond
Burtch, Katheryne Krieger, Ralph Smith, Donna
Campbell, Marie Kimball, Loyal Snyder, Edna
Carlton, Phyllis Lawrence, Dean Schram, Howard
Conklin, C. Dorotha Logan, Mary Smith, Morris
Cohoon, Zaida Leavitt, Andrew Sattler, Carl
Collins, Norma Lucas, Mabel Shuttleworth, Florence
Collins, Morris Lyons, Frank H. Streeter, Eleanor
Coburn, Basel Luses, Cecile Sheathelm, Clifford
Chambers, Agatha Lyon, Ernestine N. Sprang, Philip
Callard, Neil Loveday, Frederic Silsby, Gladys
Converse, Edna Laverty, Madeline Schairer, Edwin
Converse, Fern Lawson, Maxwell Stone, Jeannette
Coopes, Aubyn Lewis, Jasper Stewart, James
Creyts, Marguerite Ludwig, Olive Spencer, James
Crites, Nina Lange, Elsa Spedding, Birdice
Cottrell, George Longyear, James Trickey, Ralph
Currie, Robert Larson, Einar Thorne, Gardner
Cummings, Elizebeth Lyman, Lawrence Teel, Harry C.
Cummins, Chas. F. McConnell, Earl Thaman, Herald
Duncan, James McConkey, Howard Truxton, Jonathan
Dunlap, Howard McKim, Margaret Vaughn, Lee
Davis, Jean McManamon, Eunice Voorhies, Edward
Davis, Dorris Morse, Everett VerLinden, Helen
Defreese, Kyle Monselle, Thornton VanPeenen, Frank
Delbridge, Kenneth Moore, Anna Wieland, Esther
Denninger, George MacLaughlin, Persis Whittemore, Lorna
Doan, Ina Miller, Wells Wetherbee, Doris
Eckhart, Arthur Miller, Alice Weidenhamer, Esther
Eddy, Gladys Moore, Leo Weston, Harriet
Ennis, Harry B. Munroe, Lynn Wilkinson, Leonard
Foster, Bernice Miller, Harold Whitney, Donald T.
Felzke, Emma Martin, Marion Wilbur, Opal
Frappier, Roland Moss, Mary Wicks, Gertrude
Fuller, Marjorie MacDonald, Helen Wood, Thelma
Foote, Margaret E. Michels, Merrill Welch, R.H.
Gearhart, Eldon D. Miller, Thela Waldron, LeVerne
Gauss, Victor Melvin, Leland Wilcox, Warren
Gregg, Agnes Mitchell, Lorn Wilson, Lucy
Graham, Morris MacKay, Edna Wilford, Gladys
Gates, Maynard Merillat, Harold E. Wyble, Dale
Good, Foster Mohrhardt, Charles Wright, Ralph
Gluskin, Ben Niles, Martha Watson, George
Gilley, Ruth Nye, Ethel Young, Margaret
Gilbert, Erma Norton, Douglas Young, Mildred
Gardner, Margaret North, Harrison Zachariah, Margaret
Gardner, Lucile Noeker, Ardella
Granger, Gerald Oleski, Edward J.
Galbraith, John Osborne, Irene
Griffin, Opal O'Mara, Leo
Hagar, Margaret Osborne, Maurine
Huss, Leo Orr, Ivahn

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